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How to Replace Thermal Paste: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Replace Thermal Paste: A Comprehensive Guide

There comes a time when your CPU starts overheating, and no, it’s not always because of CPU coolers, but it is the time to replace thermal paste. No matter how good thermal paste you use, you always need to replace it after a couple of years.  The thermal paste helps heat transfer in a CPU […]

Ultimate Guide to the Best Thermal Paste to Use in 2021

Ultimate Guide to the Best Thermal Paste to Use in 2021

Choosing the best thermal paste can be really challenging, especially when you have uncountable options available in the market. Thermal paste, also known as thermal grease, thermal gel, or thermal interface material, is a grayish liquid that helps heat transfer. CPUs produce a large amount of heat when they are operating. We apply thermal paste […]

Nab Cooling’s N-B Max Pro Vs. ARCTIC’s MX-4

Nab Cooling’s N-B Max Pro Vs ARCTIC’s MX-4 – Which One is Better?

Good news: today, we will present you a comparison of two of the most famous thermal pastes in the market; N-B Max Pro Vs MX-4. I know, I understand; I was excited as you are now to test both of these pastes.  Thermal pastes are an essential component of our computer, and choosing the suitable […]

does thermal paste expire?

Does Thermal Paste Expire: Everything You Need to Know

People often ask us: does thermal paste expire? Thermal paste is a computer component with pretty much importance, and we can’t deny it.  Computers can’t cool themself; hence people apply thermal pastes on CPU coolers to help heat transfer. In turn, computers dissipate heat in a better way.  We apply the thermal paste in a […]

how cpu cooler and thermal paste work together

How CPU Cooler and Thermal Paste Work Together?

Both CPU cooler and thermal paste work together for your computer. People often confuse both of these components and think that you either need a CPU cooler or thermal paste to avoid your system from overheating. This statement is not correct to say. Both CPU coolers and thermal paste work together to prevent the system […]

Nab Cooling’s Best Product to Date – N-B Max Pro|Coming Soon

Nab Cooling’s Guaranteed Best Product to Date – N-B Max Pro Coming Soon

Launched in 2018, Nab Cooling has grown to make itself one of the best companies that sell thermal paste and thermal pads.  With around 12 years of experience working with other thermal paste companies, Nab Cooling’s CEO realized that all other thermal pastes had flaws in them, so let’s create a thermal paste that offers […]

Everything you need to know about thermal pastes

Everything You Need to Know About Thermal Pastes

Exciting news: today, we have compiled a guide on everything you need to know about thermal pastes. Thermal pastes will help your system cool down, preventing overheating and sudden shutdowns.  Your CPU won’t work without thermal paste, so it is essential to learn about it before you step ahead to apply it to your systems. […]

What are the different types of thermal pastes

What are the Different Types of Thermal Pastes?

There are hundreds and hundreds of different types of thermal pastes in the market. Until you are an expert, you won’t see much difference in all of those. Where some pastes label themselves metal-based, others are known as non-metal, carbon, or silicone. What are these thermal pastes, and does it make a difference what paste […]

Thermal Paste Vs. Thermal Pad – Who Wins the Game?

Thermal Paste Vs. Thermal Pad – Which Is The Best?

Thermal paste vs. thermal pad, which one of these do you think is better? You might have seen people comparing both in terms of durability, compatibility, and easiness they feel when applying. Everyone comes up with different opinions about both of them. You need an interface material to cover those small air gas that forms […]

7 Myths About Thermal Paste and Why You Should Forget Them?

7 Common Myths About Thermal Paste To Immediately Forget

If you are new to computers and games, you might have heard these seven myths about thermal paste. These misconceptions have been traveling with gamers and PC enthusiasts for a very long time. Whether it be social media, newsletters, or other PC enthusiasts you have been in contact with, they will all tell you these […]